©2009 Mothers' Union, Province of Scotland.Reg Charity No. SC036459
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Heavenly Father, as we travel through Holy Week, emotions are flying all over the place. I come to you in sadness and sorrow at the loss of a dear and precious friend.
The depth of the pain I feel is almost tangible -
the kind of pain that hovered at the Cross on Good Friday.
When I despair I am reminded by a "God-
Thank you! Hallelujah, He is Risen!
From ‘In the palm of God's hand’ a collection of prayer, poems and reflections by Mothers' Union members in Glasgow & Galloway.
Celtic Night Prayer
As the tide draws the waters
Close in upon the shore
Make me an island,
Set apart,
Alone with you, God,
Holy to You.
Then, with the turning of the tide
Prepare me to carry your presence
To the busy world beyond,
The world that rushes in on me
Till the waters come again
And fold me back to you.
With thanks to the Community of Aidan & Hilda